Products Name: Demethyl HCl
Other name:Demethyl HCl Powder
CAS No.: 11041-94-4
Molecular Formula: C16H18ClNO3
Molecular Weight: 307.77202g/mol
Purity : 99% HPLC
Appearance: white crystalline powder
Typical use:Improving athletic performance weight loss
Standard Packing : 100gram,1kg,25kg
Shelf Life :2 years
Storage:Room temperature away from light
Demethyl HCl is a chemical found in several plants including aconite, Annona squamosa, Nandina domestica (sacred bamboo), and others. In supplements, Demethyl HCl is now showing up in products promoted as a pre-workout supplement for improving athletic performance. There is also interest in using Demethyl HCl for weight loss,cough ,asthma,heart failure,and erectile dysfunction.
1.Demethyl HCl is a pre-workout supplement that can improve athletic performance.
2.Demethyl HCl can function as a fat burner - it is a catecholamine-like structure that interacts with the same course of receptors that the fat burners Synephrine and Ephedrina do.
3.Demethyl HCl is incredibly helpful to your lung area, particularly if you have actually related conditions, such as asthma. Information technology has been verified that Demethyl HCl does have physiological qualities that could induce the relaxation of the trachea.
4.Demethyl HCl has also been shown to promote much better vascular relaxation and vasodilation. Demethyl HCl has also been found to advertise much better erection in men via beta-adergenic interactions.
1. Memory decline through aging
2. Dementia and Alzheimer's (clinically)
3. Brain damage or injuries
4. Alcohol or drug abuse symptoms and effects
5. Promote the metabolism of brain;
6. Clear cells in the fat brown pigment (Lipofuscin);
7. Increase the cerebral blood flow;
8. Improve the ability to remember;
9. The resisting hypoxia;
10. Can promote protein assimilation; enhance the efficacy of other anabolic drugs in the body;
11. Increase in the amount of serotonin in the brain;